Beast Official Playable Villain Announcement Trailer

Beast Official Playable Villain Announcement Trailer

In the game Beast, the narrative unfolds through the perspectives of two characters, Anton Sabbados and Prince Nicolai, whose fates are intricately intertwined. Prince Nicolai, who initially serves as the story’s antagonist, experienced a childhood of captivity, only to be later adopted by King Lurius, who groomed him as the heir to the throne.

Embracing his privileged status, Prince Nicolai willingly played his role in his father’s schemes until he unearthed King Lurius’s dark and sinister history. This revelation prompts Prince Nicolai to question every aspect of his life, including the established beliefs, domestic politics, international relations, and even his own role within Lurius’s dynastic ambitions.

However, when Prince Nicolai discovers that King Lurius has entrusted Anton with a crucial mission, he embarks on a mission of his own to thwart Anton, motivated by his own self-interest.

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