An action-adventure shooter described as an “ultra-violent cross between BioShock, Willy Wonka, & Disneyland.” Players follow the story of Tiny, who participates in a world-famous game show hosted by Mr. Twister, only to discover the dark secrets behind the show.
A previously-announced game that made an appearance with a new trailer and a playable demo. Utilizing the Quake engine, players control Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison as she fights her way through soldiers and mutants to secure a dangerous artifact.
Originally a Total Conversion for Doom, Divine Frequency is now its own game. Set in a dystopian world where dreams and reality collide, Divine Frequency is an FPS RPG that features cosmic horror elements and a wide range of weapons.
This FPS RPG has been in Early Access and will be launching in full on February 27th, 2024.
A remaster of the 1999 cult classic Kingpin.
An update for CULTIC that adds new weapons, enemies, and bosses.
A Hexen-inspired FPS.
A co-op sci-fi horror FPS.
An expansion for Prodeus.
An RPG-meets-FPS game.